Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Photographic Self-Promotion #4, Another Fjord

Just one this time:

Ok, I'm certain this is the last night when it got dark now (I think...). I think I must've taken this one from indoors in "The Observatory" one of the many bars/lounges on the ship, it's also the plushest of them all. I wandered up there (it's on the uppermost 'proper' deck) after the late-night buffet ended (at midnight). There was a pianist (called Anne-Tina) playing various pieces of music as we swept majestically through the night along the fjord, past the lights of the small isolated cummunities. It really is a quite indescribable feeling to be sitting right at the front of the lounge, right by the huge wrap-around windows (overlooking the bow from practically the top of the ship), in a deep armchair with relaxing piano music, and the gentle vibration of the ship's engines as we just cut through the night, going north for the morning. Going past the lights on the shore just reminding you that people still live up here and we're just quietly passing by their homes.
Did I mention that I'm going again next year? so I can do it again.
That's all for this installment.


Hiraeth said...

Here's a silly song, or a link to one:
The Reformation Polka.

Tom Davey said...

bwaha, great fun, but a bit hard to read all those long words whilst trying to sing the song at the right pace.