Sunday, September 23, 2007

Petty Grumble #3

Baby Talk.
No, not what babies say; what people say to babies.
In particular what they say as they cradle them up & down to try and get them to stop crying. My Grandmother is the worst offender for this, her favourite phrase when trying to get my newest niece, Lexi, to stop crying is "it doesn't matter".
I mean, what's 'it' that doesn't matter? The Northern Rock fiasco? The rugby result? Foot & Mouth disease? I suspect that Lexi has not the time, the inclination nor the comprehension to care about any of these things. 'it' probably refers to her being hungry, being in need of winding or being otherwise discomforted, and for a baby, these things do matter and no amount of telling them otherwise will make a h'apeth of difference.

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